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Moments Under The Sea Couples Edition
Moments Under The Sea Couples Edition
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QAR 98

Moments Under The Sea Couples Edition

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A year ago, we launched Moments Under The Sea, a game that uses a collection of carefully curated questions to foster deeper connection and more meaningful relationships.And now, as we slide into February, the month of love, based on your feedback, we are launching a limited edition for couples. With completely unique questions designed for you to get to know your partner even better, this compact yet luxe version makes for the perfect date night gift.

For this edition, the creator of the game, Najla Alfradna relied on experts, therapists and married couples to provide insight on questions that would allow partners to share their stories and feel seen & heard in a relationship.

Moreover, based on popular demand, we have created a dual language version, for both English & Arabic speakers. No matter what your language or love language is, get ready to share your stories from the heart!